Sunday, January 9, 2011


tomorrow is a school day after the long hibernation. so today i post about things that i very in love with it and I used very rarely . hehe . enjoy it

did you know, there are thing that have been aged 5 years, and in others around 1 -2 years.

i make cookies :9

Saturday, January 1, 2011

oh yeah..this is 2011 already

nothing i want to say . i just cant believe, this is 2011 already . 2010 passed too fast. many memories i cant forget in 2010. i hope 2011 is a good year for us. i want be a good girl in this year. amin. so , one week ago is my b'day , and i go to dinner with my friends. thank God i still can celebrate my b'day. you must be has see my dress in this photos on previous post. enjoy please :)